Aurea Dicta by Miquel Barceló

Commercial for the artwork Aurea Dicta by Miquel Barceló (La Casa dels Clàssics)

Directed by Salvador Sunyer

Creativity Ferran López

Produced by Nanouk Films

Miquel Barceló’s work and all his cosmogony revolve around the initiatory, primitive and classical themes. It’s the root understood, at the same time, as the starting point and as an end. The cave is the canvas. The marine environment and its living beings, the pictorial palette.

Aurea Dicta is the most important Bibliófilo’s edition that Miquel Barceló has done. The idea behind our work was to produce a piece that held an artistic value of its own in order to promote it.

It was, at once, the most coherent and the most risky move that could be made.



(+34) 934 196 022
︎︎︎ nanouk@nanouk.tv
C/ Mallorca, 230

08008 Barcelona, Spain

(+34) 934 196 022
︎︎︎ nanouk@nanouk.tv
C/ Mallorca, 230
08008 Barcelona, Spain