Els anys salvatges | The wild years

2013 | Documentary film |  70′

Directed by Ventura Durall

Produced by Nanouk Films in coproduction with TV3

With the support of ICAA and ICEC

Three streetkids wander the streets of Addis Abeba. They try to survive by using their inventiveness, committing minor thefts and supporting each other solidly united.
Homesickness, chance and necessity however make them venture a journey towards the north of Ethiopia. A journey during which they will experience unusual adventures before being reunited with their families whom they decided to leave when they were still little. The kids will then have to deal with the fears and memories that have arisen during the trip under the new circumstances, with the past being vividly present.

Where to watch:

Festivals and Awards

Shanghai TV Festival 2014   - Best Cinematography

Som Cinema Lleida - Best Documentary Film

Catalan Academy of Cinema “Gaudí Awards” 2015 Nominee, Best Documentary Film category

Catalan Academy of Cinema “Gaudí Awards” 2015 Nominee, Best Original Soundtrack category

IDFA (International Documentary Festival of Amsterdam) – Official Selection World Premiere

Festival de cine español de Málaga 2014 – Official Selection

Budapest International Film Festival 2014 – Official Selection

Documentamadrid 2014 – Spanish Documentary Panorama

Festival de Cinema d’Autor 2014 – Autoria catalana

Mediteran Film Festival Bosnia 2014 – Official Selection

Fic-Cat Roda de Berà 2014 – Official Selection

Documentary Edge Festival New Zeland 2014 – Official Selection

Festival Internacional de Cine Político de Buenos Aires 2014 – Foco internacional

United Nations Association Film Festival San Francisco 2014 – Official Selection

Vancouver International Film Festival 2014 – Nonfiction Features



(+34) 934 196 022
︎︎︎ nanouk@nanouk.tv
C/ Mallorca, 230

08008 Barcelona, Spain

(+34) 934 196 022
︎︎︎ nanouk@nanouk.tv
C/ Mallorca, 230
08008 Barcelona, Spain