La vida després 

2007 | Documentary for TV  | 52′

Directed by Alex García & Óscar Malo

Produced by Nanouk Films and Televisió de Catalunya 

With the support  of ICEC

Each day, hundreds of people arrive to the Spanish coasts in a desperate exodus. The media routinely tell us about them... Immigrants, tragedies, illegals, crisis, but... Who are these people? What happens later, right here in front of us? Strangers in a strange world discovering a very different Europe than the one they had imagined.
The Life After... recounts the experiences of three of these people over four years' time after their arrival in Spain.



(+34) 934 196 022
︎︎︎ nanouk@nanouk.tv
C/ Mallorca, 230

08008 Barcelona, Spain

(+34) 934 196 022
︎︎︎ nanouk@nanouk.tv
C/ Mallorca, 230
08008 Barcelona, Spain