Les dues vides d’Andrés Rabadán | The two lives of Andrés Rabadán

2008 | Feature Film | 84′

Directed by Ventura Durall

Produced by Nanouk Films, in coproduction with TVC with the support of ICAA and ICIC

Do people deserve a second chance, even if they have committed horrible crimes? This is the question raised in this story of a prisoner who is tortured by his own outrageous crimes.

This intimate portrait evolves into a personal quest in which the protagonist realizes that he has been his own worst enemy and that only through love will he find redemption.

“This is probably the first transmedia project of Nanouk Films, because we decided to do a fiction (The Two Lives of Andrés Rabadán), a documentary (The Forgiveness) starting from the same story, and a comic-book created by Rabadán himself. Two sides of the same coin, two different films, two points of view.”

Where to watch:

Festivals and Awards

 Gaudi Awards - Best Actor 

Gaudi Awards - Best Actress

Gaudi Awards - Best Supporting Actress 

Vème ÉCU (WINNER) - Best European Drama

14ème Biennale du Cinéma Espagnol d’Annecy   - Le grand Prix du Jury  

27ème Festival International du Premier Film d’Annonay - Prix du Public

20ème Festival du Cinéma Espagnol de Nantes  - Méntion Spécial du Jury, Prix Fundación Borau

Som Cinema. Mostra de Cinema i Audiovisual català  - Best feature film

Festival de San Sebastián - Made in Spain



(+34) 934 196 022
︎︎︎ nanouk@nanouk.tv
C/ Mallorca, 230

08008 Barcelona, Spain

(+34) 934 196 022
︎︎︎ nanouk@nanouk.tv
C/ Mallorca, 230
08008 Barcelona, Spain