
2015 | Documentary Short Film | 14′

Directed by Florencia Aliberti

Produced by Nanouk Films

(Self)exhibitions is a found footage documentary film made with home movies that approaches to new forms of self-representation and exhibition of our intimacy on the internet and in social networks. Confessional and private experiences, turned public and ex-posed on the web, giving rise to new self-narratives that become part of a spontaneous circuit of imitations, recurrences and replies between web users, determining the way we show ourselves.

The film is the final result of a series of short pieces (from 3 to 5 minutes) conceived for a video-installation.

Where to watch:

Festivals and Awards

IDFA 2015- International Documentary Film Festival of Amsterdam .Official Selection in Paradocs Section

ZubrOFFska International Short Film Festival - Best Short Film ON THE EDGE

 Docs Mexico- Jury’s Honour mention

 BIM Bienal de Imagen en Movimiento de Buenos Aires  Jury’s Honour mention

VIS Vienna Independent Shorts 

Glasgow Short Film Festival

BIEFF - Bucharest International Experimental Film Festival 

14th London Short Film Festival

60th London Film Festival 

Docs DF 2016 -  Honourable mention

33rd Kassel Documentary Film and Video Festival

ZubrOFFka International Short Film Festival  - Poland

Cortocircuito International Film Festival Santiago de Compostela

32nd Hamburg International Short Film Festival

Fidba Festival Internacional de Cine Documental - Buenos Aires

Bogotá Experimental Film Festival 

GO Short Film Festival

IDFA 2015 - International Documentary Film Festival of Amsterdam

Xcèntric - CCCB

MARFICI - Mar del Plata Independent Film Festival 

FlexFest 2013 -Florida Experimental FIlm Festival

BIM Bienal de Imagen en Movimiento - Buenos Aires 

LOOP Festival - Barcelona

Exposition collective "Viral Mural" - Centro Cultural Recoleta Buenos Aires 

Festival BYTE Footage CCK - Buenos Aires 

Exposition collective "HerSelves", Blueproject Foundation

Exposition collective ProjectaMedia, eTopia Center for Art and Technology - Zaragoza 

Apocalípticos e integrados. Muestra de vídeo y cine experimental contemporáneos. Metales pesados Santiago de Chile

"Pantalla CCCB, un mes, un artista" - Centre de Culture Contemporaine de Barcelone, février

Cycle de Vidéoart et Cinéma Expérimental MAMBA - Musée 

d’Art Moderne de Buenos Aires 

Généalogies féministes de l’art espagnol - MUSAC Musée d’Art Contemporain Castilla y León

Flux Festival, Centre d'Art Santa Mònica -Barcelona



(+34) 934 196 022
︎︎︎ nanouk@nanouk.tv
C/ Mallorca, 230

08008 Barcelona, Spain

(+34) 934 196 022
︎︎︎ nanouk@nanouk.tv
C/ Mallorca, 230
08008 Barcelona, Spain